The Education of the Future.
The future of education or the education of the future.
Bircham International University
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The Education of the Future
Education is the process that facilitates the acquisition of skills and the transmission of knowledge in order to prepare ourselves for our own development and that of society. And this is where the main problem lies. Education prepares us for the jobs and functions existing today, but not for the ones in the future, the ones that hasn’t been invented yet.
Our current education system is the result of the growing need for specialization generated by the industrial revolution, which was strengthened by scientific research. During the last two centuries, the educational system has been the intellectual engine of the social and economic changes that define what we are today. We have never before experienced the levels of wellness and health that we are enjoying today. Along 200 years, poverty has gone from 90% to 10%, infant mortality is minimal, and life expectancy reaches almost a century.
However, we are not aware that the world is being revolutionized by artificial intelligence to such extent that most of the jobs that we hold today will no longer exist in the future. Nobody seems to realize that the middle class that constitutes the foundations of society and the economy will surely lose their jobs during the next twenty years, because all those functions focused on specialization, repetition of tasks, and data management are going to be performed more efficiently by machines. This is already happening. An additional problem is that the educational systems insist on preparing the students for all those jobs that computers perform better and better, without asking question and without demanding any salary.
But do not lose hope. There will always be functions that will be the exclusive legacy of people as long as human beings populate this planet. It doesn't matter how efficient a system or service may become. People will always need to interact with other people. Machines do not deal well with the unpredictable, nor do they handle critical thinking. The great intellectual leaps usually result from connecting things that are different and unrelated, for example: bicycle + kite = airplane. It is true that automation destroys a lot of jobs, but it will also generate many opportunities.
Education must prepare future generations to deal with a technological environment capable of solving and replacing a good part of the tasks we carry out today. Is it doing it? Traditional education consolidates its solid academic progress with many years delay with respect to reality, meanwhile, modernity becomes increasingly liquid and changes faster and faster. Machines navigate this flood of information very well, but fortunately they cannot replace what makes us human: understanding emotions, solving new problems, relating unrelated concepts to generate new ideas, and bonding with one another. There will always be jobs that will demand these skills.
The education of the future must prioritize critical thinking over memorization, it must foster creativity on its way to efficiency, and it must understand the needs of this new world in which we are already immersed. The few who have understood this are already at the top of the technological empire that leads the course of our economy and society on a global scale, but what about the rest? The education of the future is the answer. Teaching should be flexible, should promote innovative specializations to surf the new waves of opportunities that permeate our daily lives. Training should be more affordable and, above all, it should be continuous because it is no longer enough becoming a graduate or doctor. Not to stop learning, anticipate change and manage it. That’s important. The problem is not the technology, it is us. We must learn a new way of educating for a new world, and understand that computers are not here to replace us but to empower us.
Distance education plays a major role in this fledgling future, but make no mistake, online universities have no merit. Distance learning is nothing more than a formula to educate those who are far away. The real value lays on the student who chooses distance learning, and must demonstrate the determination, responsibility, and motivation to complete an online academic program by himself (or herself). It is precisely these qualities that constitute the pillars of success in this near future that is already shaping our present. These qualities, enhanced by innovative academic programs that encourage critical thinking, are the way to the education of the future. さらに詳しい情報は...
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